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With so much at stake, what does the energy future of Africa have in store for its citizens? In the inspiring book, A Just Transition: Making Energy Poverty History with and Energy Mix, NJ Ayuk puts forth an amazing vision of the future that is altogether powerful and doable. Can you imagine a future where Africa is not dependent upon any foreign countries for its energy production needs? A future where every citizen has access to reliable, environmentally friendly water and electricity? Well, it doesn’t have to just be some pipe dream. NJ explores African’s dependency on foreign energy and puts to light now this can change.

For so long, African countries have been co-dependent on other nations to assist with its energy needs. With the world in such constant conflict, there’s been a push toward making Africa energy independent. Is such a lofty goal obtainable? Of course it is. With one of the largest landmasses on the planet and so many countless resources yet to be tapped, Africa is poised to do so. It only makes sense, doesn’t it? Why shouldn’t such a huge continent be a formidable presence and be able to manage its own energy production, distribution, and usage?

Unfortunately, before there can be self-sufficiency, there needs to be some sort of unifying agreement between the many African nations.

Money, of course, is another factor. Mining of natural resources is expensive, and so is the delivery to the homes and businesses. With over 600 million people on the continent without any means of regular, dependable power and running water, the task of changing such a massive number is staggering. Infrastructure isn’t built overnight, no matter how much money is thrown its way. And it’s not just money. Political pathways need to be made between many of the countries in Africa so that these upgrades can be reasonably accomplished. Politicians need to have this happen for the sake of their constituents.

So, what is realistic? In NJ’s plan, Africa wouldn’t transition completely away from the status quo right away. With a strong push from various think tanks and organizations toward renewable sources, wind, solar, hydro, and other technologies are at the forefront. At this time, the cost of implementing such tech is too high. A realistic plan, then, would be for Africa to keep using traditional energies while integrating these new technologies as money and infrastructure come together and grow. It’s a doable plan that starts by assessing the realities of the continent while also forecasting and providing a great path toward a new and sustainable future. While there are still many roadblocks and concerns ahead, none are insurmountable. To make it happen will just take a concerted effort from energy companies, policy makers and other leaders.

A book for anyone interested in the future of our world, energy needs, and what the future has in store more of A Just Transition by NK Ayuk and order a copy on Amazon today. For more great books, check out Million Dollar Miracle now.