Most of us have got a lot of things going on in our lives. It can be difficult to find the time to study. QuizzClub, a free trivia site, understands this problem. To learn successfully, we recommend making learning a habit. Here are 5 tips to help you make learning a part of your life.
Before we start let us tell you a few words about QuizzClub. It’s an educational trivia website that focuses on boosting your general knowledge. QuizzClub inspires people to continue their lifelong learning journey.
What is a habit?
Let’s start by talking a bit about habits in general. Our habits essentially make us who we are, so we have to choose them wisely. What we do every day will ultimately define whom we become. However, habits take time and effort to change. Still, there are some ways to build a daily learning habit without stress.
#1 Find an Anchor
What daily habits do you already have? You can use them as anchors. They can trigger a new learning habit. The thing is that your old habit should have the same frequency of your new habit you want to acquire.
For example, you can read an interesting scientific article while drinking coffee in the morning, and repeat this action day by day. If it takes you a long time to get to your work, you can use that time to acquire the learning habit as well. You won’t even notice when learning will become your regular habits.
#2 Set Micro-Goals
People are usually getting confused when they set a really big goal which is not achievable. Do not make the same mistake. Keep the bigger picture in mind but start small. If you want to learn a foreign language, don’t jump right in and watch films in the chosen language without subs. Probably you would lose your motivation in this case. Instead, you should start with learning the most frequent words and phrases. Making the daily goals achievable will help you move to a bigger goal over time. A series of small steps will lead you to success without hatred toward yourself.
#3 Get Rid of Obstacles
It is quite easy to fail in building a new habit. It’s quite curious why most habits don’t stick. That’s why you need to understand what is stopping you from forming the learning habit. Maybe you don’t have a clear goal or you have taken on too much. Building the learning habit should be easy. By understanding what it is that is stopping you, it is then possible to look at ways to overcome this obstacle.
#4 Experiment to Find the Best Way of Learning
Each of us is a unique person. Some people enjoy learning alone, others want to have a learning partner. You need to figure out the best way you learn today. Perhaps you want to spend several hours studying, or just have fun taking entertaining and educational quizzes online.
#5 Use Social Media
Nowadays people are addicted to checking Instagram or watching Youtube videos. Actually, you can use it to your advantage. Find accounts, groups, or bloggers that share unique, educational, and useful content. Even if you spend fifteen minutes learning new information, it would educate you and inspire you to learn more. Those fifteen minutes could easily become forty minutes or an hour of learning.
Learning will definitely become a habit if you enjoy the process of building it!