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3 Things To Consider When Planning Home Renovations

If you have plans to do some renovations on your home, there are a lot of things that you’re going to have to figure out before you can get started. But if you don’t have much experience with home renovations, you might not even realize just how much goes into this whole process.

So to help you prepare for what’s in store for you during this time, here are three things to consider when planning home renovations. 

Work With Your Schedule

Before you start making any real plans with what you’re wanting to do with your renovations, you should first decide when you’re wanting to do your renovations.

For some renovations, you’ll be able to keep living in your home while they’re taking place. Things like simple foundation repair or work that’s centralized away from living space can usually be done while people are around the home. But if there are bigger projects going on, you’ll want to plan those to take place when most people won’t be home. 

Additionally, Tara Mastroeni, a contributor to, advises that you really think about what projects need to get done first in each room so you’re not making things harder on yourself or your contractor. For example, make sure you plan flooring replacement last so that nothing you do with the walls or the ceiling will ruin the new floors you just put in. 

Know What You’re Hoping To Achieve

When you’re thinking about renovating your home, it can be easy to go way overboard with what you’re doing simply because you’re loving the idea of change. 

To pull you back down to earth, Lindsey Davis, a contributor to, advises that you always think back to what you’re trying to achieve with your renovations. This way, you won’t stray too far away from the real reason that you’re making changes inside of your home and you won’t get in over your head when planning your renovations. 

Learn How To Work With Your Budget

Before you learn how much the renovations you’re planning are actually going to cost, you might find that your renovation list is pretty long. But once you see the estimate, many people find that they need to pare down their renovations. 

If this is something you’ll have to do, Sheryl Geerts, a contributor to Better Homes and Gardens, recommends that you write down your proposed renovations in order of importance or priority. This way, when something has to be scrapped, it will be easier for you to make the choice of which projects to skip for now. 

If you’ve got home renovations on the horizon, consider using the tips mentioned above as you plan for the construction phase.