When you create a curriculum vitae, you are putting yourself down on paper. If it is done properly, this paper will convey a good sense of who you are. On the other hand, a poorly made curriculum vitae will produce bad results. Instead of impressing people, it may make them view you negatively. By following the advice in this guide, you’ll avoid that horrible scenario. In fact, you will create a stellar reputation before you even meet your reader.
Start With the Header
What stands out to you the most when you look at a page? Often, the headings are the most prominent items on the page. Thus, these are the most important aspects of the entire project. If you create a good header scheme, it will make it easy to locate vital information. Therefore, your overall project will have better competency.
These Guide You Through:
Each header should direct you to a specific subject. For example, suppose you are someone who is reading curriculum vitae. For whatever reason, you’d like to review the candidate’s educational attainment. You decide to look for an appropriate heading. If you can find it quickly, you’ll be rather impressed with the organization. On the other hand, if it takes a long time, it could frustrate you.
Highly Important Info:
Do not use headers for unimportant information. These will merely waste time when people are reading your work. Thus, it’s just as important for you to avoid overusing them. If you do, it will diminish the effect of the other headers on the paper.
Next, Insert a Professional Summary
Your professional summary will be valuable. If you are short on time, it gives you an easy way to glance at the page. Suppose you have a ton of curriculum vitae to review. If that is the case, you might look at the summaries on all of them. Then, you might select the best based on the summaries.
Impact Statement:
Once you are finished reading a professional summary, it should have an impact on you. If it does not, then you might want to review your work. In most instances, you can improve it by using actionable vocabulary.
Action Words:
Some words are great at conveying a sense of movement. Generally, we prefer these as action words. Most of the time, they will be verbs. However, that is not always the case. The more action words you use, the more the document will speak to the reader. Usually, that is exactly what we are looking for.
Educational History
Your educational history is the next major section of your curriculum vitae. The way you present this information is significant. If you do not include everything, then you might leave some questions in the mind of your reader. Hopefully, we can help you avoid that.
What kind of degree do you have? For those who are still in school, when will you graduate? Suppose that you have more than one degree. In that case, then you should list each of them. Otherwise, you have not put down all of the relevant information.
Besides your degree status, you should include the major. If you have more than one, but all of them down. That way, the person who reads it will understand your whole history.
Continuing Education:
In some instances, people continue classes even after they graduate. These classes are called continuing education credits most of the time. If you have some of them under your belt, we suggest including them as well. Often, interviewers will judge candidates based on their qualifications. The more of them you have, the better your odds are.
Work Experience and Skills
If you want to have a professional cv, You’ll need to put all your work history on the page. In fact, you might consider this section to be the most important. Of course, without all the sections, you have an incomplete curriculum vitae. However, we suggest spending the most time on this part. That way, you can ensure that your final result is as good as possible.
Work History:
Your work history should include every job title you’ve ever had. This will extend all the way back to your first job. Although that may not seem relevant, it is more important than you realize. Every job that we hold gives us skills and experience. In many cases, these are even more valuable than the money you earned while working. By including everything, you paint the fullest picture.
Soft Skills:
Soft skills are increasingly important in the modern economy. Often, these are much more difficult to teach people than hard skills. Suppose you are good at working with people. Then, one of your soft skills might be teamwork. If that is the case, you should be happy. Plenty of employers struggle to find people who have such a skill set. Therefore, it would be best for you to include it.
Hard Skills:
Hard skills are easily quantified. For example, suppose you have knowledge of computer code. Then, you could write each computer language as a hard skill. In general, these skills are the most important. Without them, you could not do the job. Thus, be as specific as you can when you are working on this section. Otherwise, whoever reads the paper may be left with some questions. If possible, you’d like to avoid that.
Making the Best Curriculum Vitae for Your Upcoming Job Interview
The better your curriculum vitae, the more impressive you will be to people who read it. Luckily, creating a great curriculum vitae isn’t all that difficult. As long as you follow the procedures above, your final product should be exemplary.